I am BEYOND EXCITED to share that SouthEndStyle is growing, by one! Terry and I are just over the moon to announce that we are expecting our first child in February 2021.
We have always known that we wanted children (and more Frenchies!) and we have envisioned this moment for years. It’s no secret that we love to travel so we spent the first few years of our marriage exploring the world and getting as much of the travel bug “out of our system” as we could. Although, let’s be honest – it will never leave!
The plan was always to enjoy being married just us two (plus Mela) and focus on work, travel and enjoying life in Boston. I feel confident saying we have been living our lives the best way possible and have loved every single minute of being married. We feel ready to grow our family and for our next chapter together.
When we started trying to conceive in 2020, we were pleasantly surprised how quickly this happened for us. In March – about a week into the panic of Covid – I found out I was pregnant. The two weeks that followed were the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Ultimately, I suffered a miscarriage in early April which was devastating to say the least. My heart breaks for anyone who has been through this loss as it is truly indescribable until you go through it yourself. There were many questions and even more tears; however, we grew stronger from the experience and it made us that much more grateful for when I became pregnant again. We have known since early July but were cautiously optimistic, understandably so. Now that we have passed the first trimester (I’m 18 weeks at time of publishing) and we have received multiple positive and reassuring ultrasounds and blood tests from doctors, we want to share our joyful news with the world!
(Please know that it is not lost on me how daunting and challenging the fertility is for many women and I want to be sensitive to those on their own journey.)
Our families and friends have been so thoughtful and supportive the past few months – sharing in our pain and in our joy. I plan to share a monthly pregnancy update (if nothing more, for me to look back on!) as well as some fun posts around nursery plans, etc. I hope you’ll follow along! For now, here are some beautiful photographs that we took last week to share the news. How are we feeling? I think our faces in the last pictures says it all! 🙂
To say that we are thrilled / over the moon / elated / exciting would all be vast understatements. Special thanks to our dear friend Elyse for capturing this special moment for us. We love you!
[…] a side note, a HUGE thank you for all of the kind words, messages, emails and calls regarding our pregnancy announcement. I spoke with many women who went through similar experiences and it felt so good to connect with […]