Now don’t get me wrong – I love a good bar cart setup. In fact, I had one in my last apartment. They’re a practical, functional solution to a small space and they’re pretty perfect for apartment living when you don’t have an actual dining space. However, I also they’re they are incredibly overdone, too trendy and a bit too predictable. Here are a few examples of bar setups that I really like that are not bar carts:

So when I was looking for a solution for where to put all of our wine / booze / bar items, I quickly ruled out the bar cart. I decided to go with a bar cabinet. It’s kind of the bridge between bar cart and dining hutch. Think of a classic buffet like your grandma has, but with modern design & trendy decor. I had my eye on this piece (this one too) but it was a bit too pricey so I opted for this one. The piece is scheduled to be delivered next week and I’m on the hunt for a new abstract art piece to go above it. I can’t wait to have it in our home so I can finally empty these last few boxes of booze and style this piece. Stay tuned for some updated pictures to come!
What’s your preference – bar cart of bar cabinet?!
[…] #9: An alternative to the bar cart […]