Happy Friday! Today not only kicks off a fun holiday weekend for most but also kicks off the official University of Georgia 2017 football season! Let’s hope the Dawgs start off the season with a big fat WIN!

Training: For the Tufts 10K for Women! (Read my post HERE). I’ve already got 2 friends signed up to run with me and a few who are still contemplating. Who else wants to join me? 5 weeks is definitely enough time to get training and ready for this exciting, powerful race celebrating women on Monday, Oct 9th!
Researching: Any and all suggestions for what to do, what to eat/drink, where to go, what to climb, etc. in Cape Town, Stellenbosch & Franschhoek, South Africa. We will be in these cities next week and would LOVE your tips!
Cooking: Or should I say “pinning”? My Pinterest board is blowing up lately with delicious end of summer recipes. This time of year makes me want to eat up (literally) every last piece of summer and enjoy my favorite avocado salsa (best served with pita chips), grilled pizza & watermelon salad. Before you know it, temps will be down and we’ll be whipping up a delicious batch of s’mores dip (To. Die. For.)
Sister Bedrooms – such a fun project!
Our Wedding, Part 1: The Pavilion Grand Hotel

SES is off on Monday & I hope you are too. Enjoy your long weekend!
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