Every morning I wake up and almost immediately, I’m hit with the realization that we are in our “new normal” (at least for now) and practicing social distancing. As someone who’s worked from home my entire career, that part is easy. It’s the lack of connectivity, the reduction of in-person contact and the fear of the unknown that’s hard. It doesn’t help that we live in a 700 sq foot brownstone in Boston, where weather is shifting back down to cold and rainy.
The key for me has been to create a routine and to stay busy. I am grateful that I (still) have a job and that we are very busy, helping clients. There is so much that we can do to help ourselves and help others. Below is a list of 50 things you can do when you start to get bored, anxious, uneasy or stir crazy.
- Start the day with a stretching video (10 min option, a full body stretch, and wake up yoga).
- Find a dark, quiet space and do some meditation (5 min option and a 10 min option).
- Put on a 30-minute Podcast and go for a walk around the neighborhood.
- Put on a short workout video for a quick burn (love this booty burn & this ab workout).
- Enjoy a daily yoga class (Core Power offering free ones!).
- Get in a sweat! No equipment? No worries. Lynx Fitness Club has live streams daily.
- Bake a cake or pie.
- Pick a recipe you’ve been wanting to try and cook up a storm!
- Create your own “happy hour” at home with a cheese board + bottle of wine.
- Give yourself a mani-pedi.
- Take a bubble bath! Grab a book, light a candle and relax!
- Make a big ole salad and eat it for lunch – gotta stay healthy from the inside out!
- Recreate a spa day by doing a post-shower face mask in a big, comfy robe.
- Grab an adult coloring put and get lost.
- Create a solid skincare routine – both AM and PM.
- Have a virtual coffee date with a friend.
- Schedule a daily FaceTime chat with your core family / friend group.
- Pick up the phone and call a long-lost friend.
- Plan a virtual lunch date with a colleague.
- Call an elderly neighbor and ask what you can do today to help them.
- Break out the old board games and have a game night w/ your roommate, spouse, family, etc.
- Read a book (Just finished Tell Me Lies; next up is Verity).
- Order takeout from your favorite local restaurant. Not open? Show your support by purchasing a gift card.
- Shop your favorite small business(es) online.
- Pool together some money with friends and send a meal to your local hospital (make sure to check with the administration first to follow protocol).
- Write a nice note to your neighbors and leave it on their door(step), just saying hello.
- Pick a closet. Take everything out, clean it and re-organize it. Here’s a helpful guide.
- Write a letter (or email) to someone you miss.
- Deep clean your bathroom.
- And your kitchen.
- Re-organize your fridge & pantry.
- Go through your files and shred, toss, re-file what’s needed.
- Clean out your linen closet and donate what’s not needed. Order what is.
- Have extra paint lying around? Touch up where it’s needed.
- Clean out your vanity – toss old makeup, clean hair/makeup brushes, update your medicine & toiletries.
- Go through your kids’ toys; wash, toss and re-organize all of them.
- Get your finances in order!
- Organize your email.
- Disinfect every handle & light switch in your house.
- Vacuum all the rugs in the house.
- Sort through your liquor cabinet. Pull out every bottle and accessory…wipe it all down, label what’s needed and properly store again.
- Swap out seasonal clothes and items – remember to store them properly.
- That “to do” list of random things that always gets pushed? Do it now!
- Binge watch a TV show you’ve been wanting to see. See this list of feel-good movies.
- Pop some popcorn and put on a favorite movie.
- Do a puzzle! Great for families, kids, solo and anything in between.
- Give the pup a bath and clean out their toys/stuff.
- Plan a trip for Fall/Winter – start researching now.
- Have a little extra cash? Go ahead and pre-book and pre-pay your services so those who are down can keep business flowing.
- Comb through your bills to see where you can start saving and cut back.
What am I missing?!
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