All parts of Cape Cod are beautiful yet so very different. From Hyannis to Provincetown, from Nantucket to Martha’s Vineyard, there’s a little something for everyone on the Cape. Lucky for us, we have some great friends with a beautiful home on the Vineyard so we headed down last weekend for a little R & R. We lucked out as it was 80 and sunny all 3 days, with a slight breeze around the clock.
Martha’s Vineyard itself is pretty easy to get to from Boston, though timing is everything. Like most big weekend destinations in summer, traffic can be a nightmare if you don’t time it right. My advice is to leave no later than 2pm to head down 93 South from Boston or you will literally be sitting in parking lot traffic for hours. We were able to peace out of Boston around noon which put us right at the Woods Hole parking lot around 2 (that included a pit stop on the way to grab a friends’ bike in Seaport). The ferry from Woods Hole to the Vineyard is much easier, in my opinion, than from Hyannis to Nantucket. These folks have a system down and it runs so smooth. We parked our car at 2pm, loaded onto the bus at 2:10 and were in the ferry parking lot buying our tickets by 2:20. Perfect timing.
Travel Tip: While there’s no need to buy ferry tickets ahead of time (unless you’re taking your car on), be sure to check the Steamship Authority website prior to arrival to confirm which parking lots are open and which ferry is on time.
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