South Africa is one of the most naturally diverse countries I have ever been to. The Western Cape offers beaches and mountains, while the inland countryside offers beautiful wine country, while the Southern side offers cliffs and lush forests and the Eastern side offers incredible safaris and animal spotting. With a brief two hour flight you go from million dollar beach front homes in stunning Camps Bay to impoverished villages near the Kruger National Park. Whether you’re looking for an eco-friendly tent camp, a luxurious spa retreat, a mountain camping experience or a food & wine tour, this country has it all. There is so much to do that it is a bit overwhelming. One common denominator among all of the variety though? The people. Oh, the people are just a special kind of wonderful. Especially those who have little to nothing of their own – the kindness, the generosity, the spirituality…it’s something I’ll never forget.
Of course, we couldn’t do it all during our two week vacation to South Africa, but we tried our best! Over the next few weeks I’ll be breaking down our trip into various posts – Cape Town (what to do, eat, drink, hike, etc.), Cape Winelands, Road Trips, Hotel Reviews, Safari specifics and more. But for now I’ll leave you with this – 10 stunning pictures to get your heart racing and your soul excited for what’s to come. Looking at these pictures makes me know one thing for sure – I cannot wait to go back!

Okay…let’s make it 11. This last one is too exciting not to share. Our first animal spotting on our very first game drive! I think I cried of happiness…
[…] 10 Pictures That Will Make You Want to Visit South Africa […]