I’m not gonna lie y’all, this week on the blog was super fun – recapping our wedding took me down a rabbit hole of hundreds of pictures and loving every moment…
Searching for the perfect place to make my wedding album (speaking of pictures!) Any suggestions? I’ve heard stellar reviews about both Artifact Uprising and PikPerfect…I’m looking for a thick coffee table book with great quality photos and a mix of pictures and writing. I know it will be expensive so I’m willing to spend more for the best product. Send over your faves!
Cooking some homemade meals for some of my new mama friends (fun fact: I have 4 gal pals due with babies within this next two week period..4!) I’m thinking some good options that they could eat or freeze & reheat are chicken enchiladas, butternut squash lasagna, chicken tamale pie, or some pumpkin muffins + fresh fruit (new mama’s need breakfast, too!)
Spending one afternoon this weekend carving pumpkins. Do I have kids? No. So I shall act like one myself! We bought two monster pumpkins, a carving set and are ready to go to town. I’m really liking this goblin, this scary dude or one of these silly guys. Stayed tuned to my Insta story as I’ll be posting updates…fingers crossed!
Excited to share some big news on Monday…partially related to the blog and partially related to my life. Some changes are coming and they’re exciting…any guesses?
This Week on South End Style:
Our Wedding, Part 5: Ceremony + Reception
What’s on your weekend agenda?
[…] hinted at some exciting news on Friday and here it is…South End Style is moving! We’re not going far but we are headed back […]