It’s no secret that I fly quite often (check out my total 2017 travel numbers). Given the extensive amount that I’m in & out of an airport, often for quick weekend trips, I have a pretty solid routine down. For those of you that don’t travel often, I get that the whole process can be intimidating and overwhelming. I am asked quite a bit how to ease the process, so I thought that today I’d share some tips I’ve picked up along the years.
Make sure everything is charged.
The night before I fly, I charge everything – my computer, my Bluetooth headphones, my ipad, my cell phone. And then I put it all on low battery mode. The last thing you want is to not be able to access your phone or have your ipad die mid-flight. Many new planes have plugs so be sure to have your charging cords within reach (I keep one in my personal item and one in my carry-on bag). Also, it’s usually a good idea to carry a (fully charged) portable charger in case.
Invest in good carry-on luggage.
I’ll be doing a full luggage round up in coming weeks but to me, the 4-wheel spinner carry-ons are the best for domestic travel. They’re lightweight, easy to pack, fit in overheads and they maneuver easily. I always bring my Longchamp bag also as it fits right atop my Samsonite and it fits my laptop, ipad, clutch purse, scarf, water bottle & snacks. Also, it has a top zipper so I can squeeze it under the seat or in the overhead bin without worry of items falling out. I’ve had this bag for over 5 years traveling and it’s still in mint condition, no joke!
Don’t forget snacks & your water bottle.
In a recent post, “How to Stay Healthy While Traveling”, I harped on the importance of staying hydrated on airplanes. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking to spend $7 per water bottle each time I go into an airport. That’s insane! I’d rather bring my Swell and fill it up in the filter station (located outside each restroom) so I can make sure I’m drinking enough while waiting to board and while on the plane. Typically, I’ll pack a Larabar, an apple and some nuts so that I don’t get hangry if there’s a delay or if I missed a meal that day. You can never have too many travel snacks, am I right?
Dress appropriately.
This should go without saying, but I am constantly appalled surprised with what people wear to the airport. The lace up knee high boots, the ten layers of clothing, the pajamas (horrible!) …the list goes on and on. This is public people – let’s dress presentable. Going through security can be stressful, especially if you don’t have TSA precheck (which I cannot recommend enough), so why make it harder by having to take on and off a million pieces?! My “go-to” travel outfit is a pair of nice black leggings, a light sweater layered over a tank and either booties or nice athleisure sneaks that slip right on/off. I always throw a scarf and extra socks in my purse in case I get chilly on the plane. Usually I stick to gray/black as well in case I spill anything!
Come prepared.
Flights get delayed, you’ll get stuck in a middle seat or next to a crying baby, the airplane televisions won’t work…it happens. Best to come prepared and that means with a bag full of tricks – mine always includes my ipad, a book/magazine, a crossword puzzle & pen, extra headphones, sleep mask and snacks.
Be nice to airline workers
Travel can be stressful but remember, we can only control our reactions. So, you may as well come with the expectation that something will be annoying, but it’s always best to have a good attitude. Everyone is (usually) doing their best and so there’s no sense in getting snippy with the flight attendant or gate agent. In fact, having a patient, kind attitude can often times result in a free upgrade or glass of wine (believe me – it’s happened to me many-a-times). Trust me on this one.
Keep boarding passes & reservations on your phone.
(This, of course, only works if your phone is fully charged…hence #1!) Again, the tips to traveling are making everything as seamless of a process as possible. Don’t waste your time printing out boarding passes, keeping stacks of papers – everything can be stored on your phone these days in your Apple Wallet. It stores and scans so simply. And let’s be honest, your phone is probably in your hand anyway!

So those are my top 7 travel tips for you when traveling domestic!
What’s your best travel tip?
[…] a month ago, I shared my Top 7 Flying Tips for those of you flying domestic. These flights are typically shorter in duration (less than 5 […]