Happy Friday the 13th Y’all!

Hiking all over New Hampshire & Vermont lately. The official “leaves are changing” Fall season is so brief here that I always try to do my best to take full advantage of it every year. We spent last weekend at a friends house in Lincoln, NH and enjoyed hiking around Loon Mountain & Franconia Notch. Between now and Thanksgiving, we are hoping to hike a few more areas. For those of you in New England, check out this article on 55 great hikes in New Hampshire.
Watching all of the scary movies! I’m not typically a superstitious person but for some reason Friday the 13th gets me – especially in October! Last weekend we watched Halloween and holy crap I almost had nightmares – that kid is SO creepy! Tonight we may go for the more traditional “The Shining” or “Scream” – any recs?
Running more now that it’s cooler out. I completed the Tufts Health Plan for Women 10K on Monday. While the weather wasn’t on our side (75 degrees with almost 100% humidity), there were thousands of runners and we had a great time! Shootout to my friends Amy and Christine for running with me and kicking ass! I didn’t have my best race, but I finished in 57:00 so I’ll take it. Better next time!
Working really, really hard on a new website for SES! I’ve been working piece by piece the past few weeks (trying to save a few bucks and do it myself) and hoping that the new website will be ready to launch by November 1st. I’ve ordered some new business cards to match and I’m excited to have all of my branding updated & aligned with my new logo. I can’t wait to share it with y’all!
This Week on South End Style:
White Painted Fireplace: Before & After
What’s on your weekend agenda?
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