Happy Friday Y’all! This week was a super short one, given that I was off on Monday (still mourning the loss of the Dawgs, but damn they have SO much to be proud of – what a season!) and I was traveling up to Vermont Wednesday & Thursday. This weekend we’re actually quite busy – we’ve got dinner with friends at Tuscan Kitchen in Seaport tonight (checking off #2 AND #5 from my Boston Winter Wishlist), a friend’s surprise birthday party on Saturday and a lot of little things to do around the house. A productive weekend it will be!

Traveling vicariously through my parents, who are headed this weekend to Australia + New Zealand. They’re doing a two week cruise around New Zealand (hello hobbits + Sav Blanc!) and then two weeks in Sydney, Melbourne & the coast. Cue the envy! This trip is definitely on my bucket list, though it’s not on my 2018 travel goals. Maybe 2019! Who has tips & suggestions for them?
Speaking of traveling, I keep reading that Iceland air has so many new direct routes to Reykjavik, including from San Francisco, Baltimore, Kansas City and Tampa Bay. If y’all haven’t read my Iceland posts, be sure to check them out: Southern Iceland, Reykjavik, Golden Circle, The Blue Lagoon, What to Pack & 10 Tips. It’s such a beautiful, unique country – I highly recommend that you snag one of these direct flights and spend a long weekend in the land of fire & ice!
Searching for some new skincare products. I was listening to The Skinny Confidential this week and heard Dr. Dennis Gross talking about his Peel Pads and product line. I am by nature very skeptical about skincare products; however, his story is interesting. With years of training in skin cancer research & molecular biology (now dermatology), he has such an understanding of the science behind skincare. I may try these peels – has anyone tried his line before? Would y’all be interested in more posts on skin care?
This Week on South End Style
2018 Travel Goals | 2017 in Numbers | 2018 Resolutions
Enjoy your weekend! 🙂
[…] the years, I’ve mentioned skin care many times. From asking for facial recommendations to my search for the best skin care products to revealing the secrets that my grandmother shared (who has pretty near perfect skin, btw). […]